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Our Spray-Foam Services

There are two main types of spray foam insulation: open-cell and closed-cell.


  1. Open-cell spray foam insulation: This type of insulation is made of small, spongy cells that are not completely closed. It has a lower density and lower R-value than closed-cell spray foam insulation. Open-cell spray foam insulation is also less expensive and is typically used for soundproofing, air sealing, and insulation in residential and commercial buildings.

  2. Closed-cell spray foam insulation: This type of insulation is made of small, tightly packed cells that are completely closed. It has a higher density and higher R-value than open-cell spray foam insulation. Closed-cell spray foam insulation is more expensive and is typically used in commercial and industrial applications, as well as in residential properties for insulation in attics, walls and other areas. It is also used for insulation in hard-to-insulate areas such as crawl spaces, and rim joist.

  3. Hybrid Spray foam: As the name suggests, this type of insulation is a combination of both open-cell and closed-cell spray foam insulation. It is specially formulated to offer the benefits of both types of insulation. It offers both insulation and air sealing properties.


It is important to note that both types of spray foam insulation have their own unique properties and are suitable for different applications. It is best to consult with a professional to determine which type of spray foam insulation is the best option for a specific project.

Key Features Of 2lb closed-cell
Spray-Foam Insulation

High R-value:

Closed-cell spray foam insulation has a higher R-value per inch than other types of insulation, meaning it is highly efficient at preventing heat loss and reducing energy costs.

Air Sealing:

The spray foam insulation can fill small cracks and gaps, which can significantly improve the air tightness of the building.



Moisture Resistance:

Closed-cell spray foam insulation is also highly resistant to moisture, which can help prevent mold and mildew growth. 



Easy to install:

The foam insulation is applied using specialized equipment, making it relatively easy to install compared to other insulation options.




The foam insulation can be applied to a wide range of surfaces and can be used in attics, walls, and other areas.







Closed-cell spray foam insulation is very durable and will not settle or lose its effectiveness over time





Spray-Foam Certified Installers

In Canada, there are several organizations that certify spray foam installers. These organizations provide training and certifications to individuals and companies in the installation of spray foam insulation. Some examples include:



Canadian Urethane Foam Contractors Association (CUFCA):

CUFCA offers a certification program for spray foam installers that includes training on the proper installation of spray foam insulation and safety procedures.

Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance of Canada (SPFA):

SPFA offers a certification program for spray foam installers that includes training on the proper installation of spray foam insulation, safety procedures, and industry standards.


Calibre Insulation is a Canadian company that provides training and certification for spray foam installers. They offer several different levels of certification, including:


  1. Basic Spray Foam Insulation: This certification covers the basics of spray foam insulation installation, including safety procedures and equipment operation.

  2. Intermediate Spray Foam Insulation: This certification covers more advanced topics, including insulation design, project management, and quality control.

  3. Advanced Spray Foam Insulation: This certification covers the most advanced topics, including building science, advanced insulation design, and troubleshooting.


Calibre Insulation's certification program is recognized and acknowledged by industry experts and provides the necessary knowledge and skills to professionals in the field to perform their work with confidence and safety.



Spray foam insulation can be used to insulate ducts, which can help to improve the energy efficiency of the HVAC system, maintain consistent temperature in the ducts, and reduce noise caused by the movement of air through the ducts.


Steel Beams

Spray foam insulation can be used to insulate steel beams, which are commonly found in basements and crawl spaces.



Spray foam insulation can be used to insulate basements, which can help to prevent heat loss and moisture buildup.






Open-cell spray foam insulation can be used for soundproofing as it can help to reduce the transmission of noise through walls, floors, and ceilings.

Open-cell spray foam insulation is less dense than closed-cell spray foam insulation and therefore can help to absorb sound waves.

This Sprayfoam creates a barrier that can help to block sound waves from passing through walls, floors, and ceilings.

Some key benefits of using open-cell spray foam insulation for soundproofing include:

  • Excellent Sound Absorption: Open-cell spray foam insulation can absorb sound waves, which can help to reduce the transmission of noise through walls, floors, and ceilings.

  • Air Sealing: Open-cell spray foam insulation forms an airtight seal around the wall, floor or ceiling, which can help to prevent sound from passing through any gaps or leaks in the building envelope.

  • Cost-effective: Open-cell spray foam insulation is less expensive than closed-cell spray foam insulation, making it a more cost-effective option for soundproofing.



Spray foam insulation can be used to insulate crawl spaces, which can help to prevent heat loss, moisture buildup, and prevent pests from entering the space.


Rim Joists

Spray foam insulation can be used to insulate rim joists, which are the areas where the floor joists and foundation walls meet. This can help to prevent heat loss and improve energy efficiency.


Overhangs and Flat Ceilings

Spray foam insulation is applied as a liquid and expands to fill the space in the overhangs and flat ceilings, creating an airtight seal that can improve the energy efficiency of the building. Spray foam insulation is effective at preventing both heat loss and moisture buildup, making it a good option for spaces that are prone to moisture.​



Filling Gaps

Filling gaps with spray foam insulation is a method of sealing leaks and gaps in a building's envelope to improve energy efficiency and prevent drafts. Spray foam insulation is applied as a liquid and expands to fill the gaps, creating an airtight seal.

Spray foam insulation can be used to fill gaps in a variety of areas such as:


  • Attics

  • Walls

  • Windows and doors

  • Crawl Spaces

  • Basements

  • Rim Joist

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